

Membership is open to all Mohave County residents.
Once A Member, Always A Member
Once you join Mohave Community Federal Credit Union, you are always a member. Even if you no longer have a Mohave County address! Lifetime membership is yours through Mohave Community Federal Credit Union. To become a member, please submit your online application HERE.

Important information in regard to shared branching/co-op branch:
Mohave Community Federal Credit Union is NOT a shared branch at this time.
To find a shared/co-op branch in this area, please click HERE.

Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement
Mohave Community Federal Credit Union is a not-for-profit, member owned financial institution dedicated to providing our members with excellent service and products.  These services and products will be delivered in a mutually beneficial cost structure that encourages growth and development both for Members and the Credit Union.
Our intent is to always adhere to Credit Union philosophies as well as building lifelong relationships one member at a time.

Our History

Our History
Who Are We?
Mohave Community Federal Credit Union (MCFCU) has been serving Mohave County residents since 1957. For over 65 years we have been fulfilling the wants and needs of Mohave County Residents just like you! If you are a member here at Mohave Community Federal Credit Union, you have the peace of mind knowing that your deposits are federally chartered and therefore regulated by federal law. The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) is the regulatory agency governing and insuring deposits for MCFCU. Similar to FDIC for the banks, MCFCU has depository insurance of up to $250,000 per account provided by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund. This means that your deposits are insured and backed by the good faith and credit of the United States Government. Strict regulations from the NCUA require that we hold to the highest standards for safety and soundness to protect our members’ deposits. You can rest assured that your money is safe at Mohave Community Federal Credit Union.
Get more information about the National Credit Union Administration.

Become A Member

Become A Member
Membership is open to ALL Mohave County Residents and their families.  Once you join Mohave Community Federal Credit Union, you are always a member. Even if you no longer have a Mohave County address! Lifetime membership is yours through Mohave Community Federal Credit Union. Apply online today!
Important Information about Opening a New Account
To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account.
What this means for you: When you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to properly identify you. We may also ask to see your driver’s license or other identifying documents, per the USA Patriot Act.

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66th Annual Meeting

Mohave Community Federal Credit Union
66th Annual Meeting
Mohave Community Federal Credit Union 63rd Annual MeetingHeld Wednesday, May 10, 2023.
For all of the details of the meeting, click HERE.

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News Letters

Shared Branching

Important information in regard to shared branching/co-cop branch:
Mohave Community Federal Credit Union is NOT a shared branch at this time.
To find a shared/co-op branch in this area, please click HERE.

What does it mean to be a shared branch/co-op branch?

Shared Branching is a national network of credit unions from all over the country that share facilities to give members thousands of convenient locations to perform transactions just as if they were at their home credit union. Credit unions that belong to the CO-OP shared branch network let customers of other member credit unions handle basic banking tasks at their branches. In addition, customers of member credit unions get access to fee-free ATMs at partner credit unions nationwide.
What you can do at a shared branch
  • Deposit and withdraw funds at branches and ATMs.
  • Check your balance and transfer funds between accounts.
  • Make loan payments.
What you can’t do at a shared branch
  • Withdraw an unlimited amount of money at a branch or ATM.
  • Access deposited funds immediately
  • Receive notary services for free.

Fees & Charges

Schedule of Fees & Charges
Effective: March 18, 2022

Share Draft/Checking Account Fees
Account Type Fee Amount
Basic Checking $6.00/month
Waived With Average Daily Balance of $500.00
Business Checking $16.00/month
Waived with $1,000.00 Minimum Daily Balance
Money Market Saver $12.00/month
Waived with $1,000.00 Minimum Daily Balance

Account Maintenance
Fee Description Fee Amount
Return Mail Fee $5.00
Insufficient Funds Charge-Returned
(this includes VISA Debit Card, ACH, Bill Pay and other related devices)
Uncollected Funds Charge
(this includes VISA Debit Card, ACH, Bill Pay, and other related devices)
Overdraft Protection Transfer Fee
(from Line of Credit)
$5.00 per transfer
Deposited Checks Returned – 3rd Party $25.00
Deposited Checks Returned
(Member Account at Another Institution)
Stop Payments (per item)
includes member check, teller check, bill pay and ACH
Legal Processing
(garnishment, levy, etc.)
Forced-Place Collateral Protection Insurance $50.00
Holiday Club Early Withdrawal Fee $25.00
Account Reconciling Fee
(per hour-minimum one hour)

Debit Card Fees
Fee Description Fee Amount
ATM Transaction Fee
Balance Inquiry
(at foreign ATM’s)
ATM Withdrawal
(after 6 per month at foreign ATM’s)
Replacement for lost or damaged card $12.00
Rush Order – Replacement up to $150.00

Credit Card Fees
Fee Description Fee Amount
Credit Card Annual Fee None
Credit Card Late Payment Fee Up to $30.00
Credit Card Return Payment Fee Up to $30.00

Wire Transfers
Fee Description Fee Amount
Incoming $20.00
Outgoing $30.00
International $50.00

Miscellaneous Member Services
Fee Description Fee Amount
Initial Membership Entrance Fee $5.00
Account Reconciling Fee
(min one hour)
$25.00 per hour
Statement Copy Fee
(per statement)
Official (Teller) Checks $5.00
Official Check Stop Payment
(lost, stolen, or destroyed)
Dormant – No activity for one year $15.00/quarter
Telephone Inquires by Teller $2.00
Telephone Transfers by Teller $3.00
Account Closed Within 90 Days of Opening $15.00
Excessive Share Withdrawals
(over 6 per month)
International Collections
Plus any additional fees assessed by the other financial institution
Non-Member Check Cashing Fee $6.00
Loan Payment Using Debit/Credit Card 3.5% of overall payment
Loan Payment Using Check by Phone $5.00
Notary Service (Member) $7.00 per stamp
Fax Service $8.00
Duplicate Lien Release $6.00
Domestic Collections
Plus any additional fees assessed by the other financial institution
IRA Set-Up Fee $12.00
IRA Transfer/Closeout Fee
(per transaction)
Account Research Fee $25.00
Check Copy Fee $15.00 per check
Indirect Lending Processing Fee $30.00
Loan Application Fee No Fee
Escheat Fee
(After Three Years of Inactivity)
Verification of Deposit $15.00
Loan Extension Fee $25.00