To pay your loan installment, use the below form. Note: The following convenience fees apply to online payments:
- Debit card transactions incur a 3.5% fee of the payment being made or $2.50, whichever is greater.
- eCheck (ACH) transactions incur a $3.00 fee.
Important information regarding making your payments online:
- Payments may take up to 5 business days to post to your loan but will post effective the day the payment was submitted.
- Your Account number or Member number and Trailer number will be required to complete your payment.
- If you have issues submitting your payment online, you may call 928-753-8000 option #1 to use our automated system.
- The payment limit is $1999.00 per payment transaction.
- To pay your loan in full, call 1-928-753-8000 during business hours to confirm the payoff balance prior to submitting your payment. Most loans accrue interest daily. We do not accept loan payoffs online or over the phone in amounts that are over $1,999.00. You can however pay off your loan balance by cash, check or wire transfer. Please call us for more details regarding this.
- If you would like to pay your Mohave Community Federal Credit Union Visa Credit Card payment, please visit Do not submit your payment here.